Wrens - Reception
Welcome to the class page for the new September 2020 intake ! On this page we will be posting useful information for parents to use to help you prepare your child for joining us in September. We will also add copies of any email communications sent to Parents.
Please also take a look at the videos posted under the 'video resource centre' tab. Here you will find 3 videos, under the 'Starting school in Wren Class September 2020' playlist. There is a virtual tour of the school, a presentation on how to prepare your child for starting school in September and a presentation on the EYFS curriculum. Summary notes from the video presentations can be found below.
The advice posted here and suggested activities are to support you. We do not expect you to do every task or activity but please feel free to dip in and out and try out ideas that suit your child's interest or work well around your family routines. Once your tapestry account has been activated, please feel free to post pictures of your child having a go at some of these things.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact school.
Mrs Summers
Zoom Meeting Reminder
As a reminder, Mrs Coe and I will be available on Monday 6th July and Tuesday 7th July from 6-7pm to host 1-1 Zoom meetings with any Parents who have concerns they feel cannot wait until the 1-1 face to face meeting in September. If you would like me to arrange a Zoom meeting for you at this time, please email me at c.summers@cheapsideschool.org.uk and I will be very happy to set a meeting up for you.
Thank you