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Robins - Year 1

Year 1 Transition Booklet

Welcome to Robin Class 2020-21

Top tips for supporting your child in Year 1














































































































































Moving into Year 2 :

Next time you are back in school you will be in Dove Class and a Year 2 Mrs Day and Miss Offord are so looking forward to getting to know you. Click on the video below for a welcome message from the Year 2 staff team and have a read of the booklet below which tells you about what you can expect when you move into Year 2. 

Welcome to Year 2

Still image for this video

Transition to Year 2

Home Learning : Summer Term

Thank you so much for being a wonderful year 1 class and coping so well in these unprecedented times! Thank you parents for all your support. I wish you a happy and healthy holiday. I look forward to working with you during your transition into year 2.

Mrs Spongsmiley

Please register for the 'Silly Squad' Library Reading Challenge and keep using to access a wide range of books. You will now need to enter the school name, then username: cheapside256student and password: read. See the reading zone for other options too.
See letter about Summer Home Learning if interested in options and Challenge badges.
Please return Home Learning, reading books and borrowed resources (rulers, cubes, clocks); as requested in the newsletter. Many thanks if you already have.

Summer 2 Week 6 and 7: After the successful two weeks of 'Where the wild things are', as detailed on the newsletter dated 3rd July, phonics (ea/ie digraphs and er/ir digraphs: see below) and maths home learning will continue to be White Rose Maths (see daily videos and lessons below).

There will not be specific English tasks for each year group but a choice of activities based on Mexico.

Children coming into school will do the phonics and maths set for their days, but also activities based on Mexico that are not shown on the grid below to avoid duplication.

There will also be other ideas on the curriculum pages.

It would be great to see what you do. Please email me photos. Enjoy!

We had our own Olympics!

At school we have found out facts about Mexico, looked at the flag of Mexico, where it is in the world, learned some Spanish, listened to Mexican mariachi music, songs and stories. We have looked at the self portraits by Mexican artist Frida Kahlo and created our own. We have also looked at features of the Olympics and designed our own clay Olympic medals, in preparation for our own mini Olympics next week. There might be a few Mexican snacks too!

The black chick 'Ambrose Penguin' has started crowing!

Still image for this video

Here are some of the activities in the outside area which have been bought with the Robins cake sale money. Thank you! Also some of the activities in the playground, on the field, visits to the allotment and pond.

Summer 2 Week 4 and 5: As detailed on the newsletter dated 19th June, phonics (oa/oe/ow digraphs and air/ear/are trigraphs: see below) and maths home learning will continue to be White Rose Maths (see daily videos and lessons below).

There will not be specific English tasks for each year group but a choice of activities based on the book 'Where the wild things are' by Maurice Sendak.

Children coming into school will do the phonics and maths set for their days, but activities based on the book that are not shown on the grid below to avoid duplication.

There will also be other ideas on the curriculum pages and a reading of the book on the Video Resource Centre. There is a slideshow of the book below, but also many youtube versions (although some might not be age appropriate).

It would be great to see what you do. Please email me photos. Enjoy!

This week aswell as doing the maths, RE, handwriting and phonics the children have explored some of the senses: listening to sounds, feeling objects and smelling things!

Next week they will be testing their taste buds.

The children who returned last week were inspired by their work on senses and portraits by Pablo Picasso. Have a go yourself.

Have you played the Dreidel game? Can you remember the symbols and what they mean?

One of my chickens sat on some eggs for 23 days (over 3 weeks).

We have a chick! 

Another chicken sat on some eggs for 21 days and she has six chicks!

Is this the first sunflower to have petals?

Thank you for telling me what you have planted...spring onions, strawberries, peppers, carrots, chives, parsley, forget-me-nots, sweet peas, potatoes and aloe vera. I also received a great video showing me someone's basil, parsley, peas, sweetcorn, brussel sprouts, carrots, lettuce, tomatoes and potatoes!! Well done.smiley

How have they changed? What flowers are now in bloom?

Growing runner beans......

Inspired by Sniff sniff sniff by Julia Donaldson (some rhyming too) WOW!

We looked at the work by Andy Warhol and in particular Queen Elizabeth II, just before lockdown. I have created the display above, which you will be able to see when you return to school.

What year was Queen Elizabeth II born? When did she become queen? How long ago was this? How old is she now? You could put some of these dates on the history timeline you are creating this week.

Can you remember the year that you were born? Was it 2013 or 2014 that began your personal timeline? When were your parents, grandparents and even great grandparents born? I look forward to seeing your timeline and the people you include on it. 


WELL DONE to all the parents who helped raise £164.60 at the Robins cake sale before lockdown. I usually ask the children for suggestions of how  to spend the money on the classroom. In the past, this has included the trampette and sandpit which are in the outdoor area. Please talk to your child/ren and then email me their ideas by Wednesday 3rd June.  I have now ordered some resources, which hopefully will be enjoyed. Thank you!
Well done if you took part in the Guinness World Record attempt on Thursday 21st May to draw with Rob Biddulph.smiley
I have received some lovely letters which I can pass on to the author and publishers. Well done. I'm glad you liked the book.

Learn facts about a variety of birds; starting with hummingbirds, in this amazing book.

Look at this brilliant book about Blue Tits that someone has created. What can you learn about them?

Learn facts about robins!

Learn about Owls.

What interesting facts can you discover about birds? I look forward to seeing the non-fiction books you make.

Great pictures, writing, movement and sounds!

Summer Term Week 2

Glorious Gallery of Sunflower Art!

Please keep a record of the rainfall. You can either measure the daily amount and empty it each time or leave it in and measure the total rainfall. How would you then work out which day had the most rain?

Which method do you think is best to get the information?


Home learning week 2: I am very impressed with the Easter board game and story I have been sent already! There have been great videos too. Thank you:)

Keep sending me your work It is great to see what you have been doing!smiley

Growth of sunflower seed! Hopefully yours has started to grow too.

Hopefully you have started to keep a weather diary. Please save a clear plastic bottle (between 1 and 2 litre) to use to make something after Easter.

Please see the overview letter for the second week of home learning. I hope you are all well. Please email me with any queries. It would be nice to see some examples of what you've been doing too!

Maths resources : please either print from the White Rose Maths link shown on the letter or copy the sheets below into your maths books.

Handwriting: this is for the week, so it is best to do a bit each day!

DT : Design an Easter board game. Many apologies but the file I'd hoped to attach is too large, so I've taken photos to give you some ideas. You can google other ideas online too!

As we are unable to allow reading books to be exchanged at this stage, there is also :- Collins who have opened up their banded ebooks for free - please go to and then click on the Teacher portal, then enter Username: and Password: Parents20!  Also look at Epic books ( which have lots of free books to read online.  Lots of these are also listed in the Online Home Learning pdf under 'Curriculum' on the Key Information tab.
Please also look at the Wellbeing tab for other suggestions, especially as the weather has been kind to us and we can be outside. Hopefully we will soon start to see signs of growth with the sunflowers. Mr Cross will be pleased!
Have a good week!smiley



Welcome to Robin Class : the Year 1 class at Cheapside School.


Mrs Spong teaches the class everyday except Monday, when Mrs Summers will be in class.

General notices:-

Forest School is on Monday morning. The children should come to school in their Forest School/PE clothes. Please also remember a waterproof  coat, gloves and hat. Wellies should already be in school.

P.E. is on Tuesday morning. The children should come into school in their PE kit (shorts and t-shirt underneath tracksuit) and bring uniform in a bag to change into.

It is useful for P.E. kits to be in school all week, in case plans need to change or spare clothes are needed.



Currently homework comprises of maths, spellings and daily reading. Occasionally there may be work or research for a different subject.

Reading books and reading record books should be in school every day. Please complete your child's reading record book when they have been listened to. These will be checked and books changed as appropriate.

For most children, spellings include common exception 'red' words and words containing the phonic sound of the week.

Maths is a termly KIRF (key instant recall fact).


Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any concerns or queries,

Mrs Spong and Mrs Summers


Watch Out! Launch Day : 12/9/19