21.3.22 - Maths: What is a Fraction?
Good Morning Kingfishers!
For Maths today you are going to be learning about what a fraction is. Please have a look at the clip of the lesson provided below and then complete the worksheet. I have also added a link to the answers so that you can mark your work.
What is a Fraction?
22.3.22 - Maths: Tenths
Good Morning Kingfishers.
Today in maths, we are going to be learning about tenths, this is a recap of what we learnt last year.
Please watch the video clip of the lesson and then answer the questions on the worksheet. I have attached a copy of the answers for you to mark your work.
23.3.22 - Maths: Fraction games
Good Morning Kingfishers!
For maths today, I would like you to play some fraction games. I have attached some activities for you to try below!
Nrich maths activities:
Fraction match - There are a range of different fraction representations, please see if you can match the pictures to the right fraction.
Topmarks Fraction Games
Here is the link:
There are many different fraction games to help you build your knowledge of fractions.
Nrich Fraction Match
25.3.22 - Maths: Count in Tenths
Good Morning Kingfishers!
For Maths today you are going to be learning about how to count in tenths. Please have a look at the clip of the lesson provided below and then complete the worksheet. I have also added a link to the answers so that you can mark your work.