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Cheapside CE

Primary School

'Achieving Our Best, In Thought, In Word, In Deed'

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Kingfishers - Year 4

w/c Monday 13.1.25

Happy new year! Thank you for all your kind wishes, cards and gifts for Christmas - they were very gratefully received. 

The children have settled in well to the new term.  There have been a few changes to the timetable so please do take some time to look at the updated timetable below.  As a result of this, the homework days have also changed.  Again, please see homework information below.

As always, if you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us.

Mrs Roberts & Mrs Searle


Homework in Year 4, predominantly comprises weekly spellings, times tables and reading.


Spellings and times table tests will take place every Monday and each Monday they will come home with their new tests for the following week.


At home, children should be reading, practising their times tables and spellings every day.  See the icons below for copies of grids and weekly spellings as well as useful links to support their homework and learning.


Each half term, you will receive our Maths KIRFs for that term.  These are Key Instant Recall Facts which children need to be working on consistently across the half term to help support their learning in class.


On occasion, we may ask the children to do something linked to a topic we're working on in class linked to science, geography or history.  

w/c Monday 18.11.24


It was good to meet many of you at parents' evening last week.  If you were unable to come for an appointment but would still like to meet us to discuss your child's progress, please let the office know and we will arrange a convenient time.


The children have all settled well since half term and have got used to their new teachers and arrangements.  We are looking forward to lots of hard work and fun this half term.


Mrs Roberts, Mrs Searle & Miss Dineen

Meet the Teacher Powerpoint
