Important Information
Please note that from Monday 26th April, Wren Class will have a PE session with Mrs Higgins on Monday mornings and a Forest School session with Mrs Summers on Tuesday mornings. Please can the children wear their PE Kit or Forest School clothes on these days. Many thanks Mrs Coe
Just a few reminders.
1) Please could children bring in water bottles everyday.
2) Please could you return any reading books that you have at home.
3) Please could the children bring in their completed Memory Box for 'show and tell' through out the week - we will ask a few children to show their box to the class each day.
4) Forest School will resume every Tuesday starting this week. Please make sure the children have waterproof trousers, coats, wellies, layers of clothing and wear their Forest School clothes (PE tracksuit & Top). This week they will need to bring a clean, empty, food tin.
5) Please can the children return the whiteboards, ten frames and part/whole sheet from their school pack, red handwriting book, blue exercise book, art work that we can put into their Learning Journey Folder and any completed writing work that isn't in their exercise book. We don't need to see phonics work sheets that the children have just traced over the letters. We don't have room for every piece of work so please choose key items to send back.
6) Don't forget it is World Book Day on Thursday and the children can come to school dressed as any book character.
Many thanks
Wrens Class Team