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Cheapside CE

Primary School

'Achieving Our Best, In Thought, In Word, In Deed'

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Our Christian Values

Our Christian values are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our pupils as confident, happy citizens.


Aims, Vision & Ethos

Our Aim is for everyone to ‘Achieve their best in thought, in word, in deed’.

We focus on a variety of values (blue/grey words on the cross below when looking at a different theme every half term (green words on the cross).


Our Ethos: - At Cheapside, we believe that children respond best and flourish in an atmosphere in which respect is mutual, trust is engendered and achievements are celebrated. We believe our children should grow both academically and spiritually. They should have an appetite for the pursuit of knowledge whilst growing in understanding of the Christian principles of love, trust, tolerance, forgiveness and fairness.