Doves - Year 2
Dear Parents/Carers,
Doves are now ready to bring home weekly spellings in a little yellow spelling book ready to be tested each Friday.
In class they will be looking at the weekly words during the Phonics lessons.
Here are some strategies you may like to use to help support your child.
Thank you for your support.
Mrs Day and Ms Hipkin
Spelling strategies.
Welcome to Doves
We'd like to welcome all parents, carers and children to the Doves Class Page.
On this page you will find lots of information on what the children have been doing in class and any other relevant information about year 2.
So far, the children have transitioned well and are enjoying their new classroom. We look forward to having a productive and successful year!
Miss Hipkin & Mrs Day
Meet the Teacher
General Information
PE - Monday - please send children in PE kits with spare shoes for muddy days.
Forest School - Wednesday - please send children in PE kits.
Reading books - every day
Reading in Year 2
Above is the list of Common Exception Words for Year 1 and Year 2. We will be revising and learning these in class (feel free to practice these at home if you would like). The children will then focus on applying these correctly in their writing.