Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)
All schools must have a DSL. The DSL at Cheapside School is Mrs Kate Searle - the headteacher. The Deputy DSL is Mrs Clare Roberts - one of the assistant headteachers.
Should you have any safeguarding concerns or queries please contact the school to speak to DSL or DDSL.
The role of the DSL is to:
- Take lead responsibility for safeguarding and child protection (including online safety and understanding the filtering and monitoring systems you have in place)
- Support staff members to carry out their safeguarding duties
- Liaise closely with children’s social care and other services
The DSL's main responsibilities are set out on pages 28 and 29 and in Annex C of Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) 2023.
The link below will take you to our policies page which includes our Safeguarding Policy.