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'Achieving Our Best, In Thought, In Word, In Deed'

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Owls - Year 6

Transition to Year 6 - September 2024

Fleeced - End of year play - Song Words

w/e Friday 5.7.24

What a fantastic few weeks we've had in Owl Class.  The residential to Mill on the Brue already seems like so long ago but it truly was brilliant - the children all excelled and pushed themselves right out of their comfort zones.  Unbelievably, we had perfect weather and all-in-all a super time was had.

Since then, many of the children have had transition days at their new schools and we've begun rehearsing for our end of year play on the evening of Thursday 18th July.

We are all really looking forward to these last few weeks of primary school and the memories that we are going to be making!

Mrs Roberts & Mrs Searle

Mill on the Brue Meeting - 10.6.24

Thank you to all who were able to join us for our MOB meeting today.  We're very excited about the residential and know that the children are all going to rise to the challenges that lie ahead next week.

Please find the PowerPoint below and remember that the Mill on the Brue information form needs to be back in school by Thursday.  If you weren't able to attend and need a copy of the form, please get this from the office.

Finally, on the morning of Friday 21st June the children do not need to be in first thing as they may need a little lie-in.  We ask, however, that they arrive in school by 10:30am at the very latest.  In the afternoon, they will go to wave at the royal procession and then head down to the tea tent.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask us.

Mrs Roberts & Mr Searle

Curriculum Map, Summer Term - The Final Curtain

Curriculum Map, Spring Term - Worth Fighting For

Curriculum Map, Autumn Term - This is Me!

School Transfer Information for September 2024

Charters School Y6 into Y7 Transition Days 2024 - Monday  1st July, Tuesday 2nd July

Ranelagh School Y6 into Y7 Transition Days 2024 - Wednesday 3rd July, Thursday 4th July

SATs Meeting Presentation - 18.4.24

Year 6 created these fantastic cuddlies for their buddies as part of their 'Make Do and Mend' Project.

Friday 15.3.23


In the last couple of weeks, the Owls have really enjoyed many of the activities we’ve been taking part in in school.  We had a great time in Forest School building trenches inspired by their work on World War I and there were some fantastic outfits on show on World Book Day celebrating authors and books they love.  In class on World Book Day, we had a ‘book tasting’ and each child tried out a book they might not necessarily pick up normally themselves - this proved really successful. Finally, they’ve been working hard on their musical accompaniments to the short film, Alma.  We have future film music composers in our midst!

World Book Day

World War I - Trench Building in Forest School

Composing a musical accompaniment for Alma

Fantastic Matchbox Homework

World War I cooking with Mrs Searle

Fossils as part of our work in science

Monday 15th January 2024


Happy new year and we hope that you had a restful Christmas break.  Thank you for your kind wishes and gifts at the end of last term. They were greatly appreciated.


The children have got stuck right into the new term and are getting their heads down for the work of the term ahead.  Please see below our new topic map for the Spring Term where you will see an overview of all that is being covered.  Our over-arching theme is 'Worth Fighting For'; lots of our work will be in and around our history topics of the first and second world wars.


Please do look at the folders below for additional support and information, and please note that weekly spellings and homework are updated here too.  As always, should you wish to speak to us you can catch us on the playground at the end of the day or should you wish to have a meeting please let the office know.


Mrs Roberts, Mrs Searle & Mrs Zarti

30th November 2023

What an absolute credit to the school the children were last weekend at the school fair.  They had designed and created a fantastic array of activities for the younger children to enjoy and then dedicated themselves to running their stores with confidence and energy.  It was a great success - we would also like to add a big thank you to the parents who supported their children with the stalls. 

Tuesday 14.11.23


Owl Class has made a great start to the new half term, following on from their super sonic cycling efforts with Bikeabilty at the end of last term!


In class, we've been continuing our work on North America and it was truly inspiring to hear them share their research projects in such varied ways: from posters, to cakes, biscuits and PowerPoints.  Well done, Owls!


Today, we had a visit from one of the local PCSOs who was talking to the class about the police, crime and consequences.  The presentation is below for your information.

Friday 13th October 2023

It was great to see so many of you at the Harvest Festival Service at church this week.  The Owls really excelled in their dramatic retelling of the New Testament story of the Feeding of the 5000.

Next week, we are looking forward to Bikeability for those who are participating - it looks to be a busy week in the build-up to a much-deserved half term break.

Friday 29th September 2023

It's been another busy week in Owls.  The children have been enjoying the class novel 'Wonder' and producing lots of lovely work based on it in their English lessons.

In Geography they've been learning about the countries of North America and in Spanish they are picking up the new language quickly.

This week, we also had a visitor from the borough join us to talk about road safety and we had a session all about preparing them for some of the challenges of navigating the roads as they become more independent (they even have some homework based on their road safety lesson).

Friday 22nd September 2023

Well, the Owls have made a great start to their time in Year 6 and today was the icing on the cake when they buddied up with our new starters in Reception for the first time.  This is one of the real responsibilities of moving into Year 6 and they are already relishing the opportunity.  They have also been getting into the swing of things in class and are working hard in all subjects.

A letter has gone out about Bikeability which is running from Monday 16th October - Wednesday 18th October, so do sign up to this valuable opportunity.  The letter is below for your information.

Mrs Roberts & Mrs Searle

Mini-golf creations!

Bikeability - Monday 16th - Wednesday 18th October

Welcome to Year 6 - Owl Class 11.9.23

Thank you to those of you who came to the 'Meet the Teacher' meeting this afternoon, it was lovely to see you all.  As promised, please find below the presentation itself together with other useful information.  Please do keep checking back to this page as we will update it with useful information as well as information about what the children are getting up to in class.

Mrs Roberts & Mrs Searle

'Meet the Teacher' presentation - 11.9.23

Transition Booklet -September 2023
