Owls - Year 6
Transition Booklet - September 2023
Welcome to Year 6 - 2022-2023!
Hello and welcome to our Year Six class page. Year Six is a pivotal year and I will be working hard to ensure that your child has a wonderful end to their primary school career. I aim to create a welcoming, enticing environment that will allow all children to develop independence, resilience and knowledge through a rich, varied and challenging skills-based curriculum. I want the children to be ready for their SATs but, most importantly, be ready for the challenges that they will be facing after they leave us and head to secondary school.
Thank you for visiting our class page and I hope that the information you find here will be useful.
Mrs M Rees
Year Six Teacher
Spring Term Curriculum Map 2023
Optional Christmas Holiday Revision!
World Book Day!
Class visit and hockey lesson by Mrs Sue O'Connell - current world champion hockey player (Over 60s)
Christmas Party Fun!
December 2022!
Mr Forster-Knight's WW1 visit!
Ascot Racecourse School Trip!
Here are the maths KIRFS!
White Rose Maths
Which books have you already read?
Daily timetable - this can be subject to change.
P.E. sessions will be on Tuesday and Friday afternoons (in the spring term) so please come into school, wearing your P.E. kit. The P.E. session will be taught by Mrs. Higgins.
During the year, you will be taking part in: tag rugby, football, netball, tennis, cricket, athletics, dance, circuit training, gymnastics and outdoor and adventurous activities (OAA).
Autumn Term Curriculum Plan!
The children are expected to read and are encouraged to do 10 minutes of TTR (Times Tables Rockstars) every evening.
English/topic and maths homework will be set on a Friday and will be due in the following Thursday, ready to be marked in class, going through any issues that have arisen.
KIRFs (Key Instant Recall Facts) are great for helping the children to increase their speed of recall. The secret to success is practicing little and often. Can you practice these KIRFs while walking to school or during a car journey?
The children will be provided with a list of either common exception words, topic related words or vocabulary based on building and extending spelling knowledge and understanding, that pupils should be familiar with by the end of Year 6. They will be tested on these words every Friday.
If your child would like to carry out additional tasks for homework, please feel free to purchase any of the following recommended booklets available online:
- Year 6 Collins Maths and English Practice Workbooks
- Year 6 Scholastic National Curriculum Practice Books
- Year 6 Rising Stars Achieve SPaG, Maths and Reading Workbooks
Information for children moving from Year 6 to Year 7