Kingfishers - Year 4
Transition Information for children moving from Year 3 into Year 4
Welcome to Kingfisher Class transition powerpoint
Roman Day Photos
w/c Monday 27.6.22
We have been working hard in Kingfisher Class over the last few weeks and we are so proud of the work that all the children put into the times tables tests. The tests are all now completed!
The children have been really enjoying our topic for the Summer Term with our focus on the Romans culminating in the Roman Day we had on Wednesday. It was fantastic to see the effort that had been put into the outfits that were worn and a great day was had by all - we hope that a little bit of the Roman bread that they made was saved for you to taste at home. Watch out for the photos from the day which we will be posting here soon.
We're looking forward to seeing many of you for Sports Day on Monday.
Miss Dineen, Mrs Roberts & Mrs Zarti
Topic Map Summer Term - Blood, Guts and Glory
Daily Timetable Summer 1 & 2
Monday 21st March 2022
We've finally completed our work from World Book Day. The children explored the wordless picture book, Journey by Aaron Becker, on World Book Day. They spent time interpreting the pictures and the world they depict and then created their own ideas for what they could imagine on the other side of the 'red door'.
They also created their own dioramas based on different pictures from the book. We're sure you'll agree that the results are fantastically effective!
In our Focused Reading lessons, we've been studying Ted Hughes' book The Iron Man. Some of the children created their own Lego versions of the Iron Man himself.
Monday 28th February 2022
We've had another fun-filled half-term learning together! Despite the difficulties that have faced us as a result of Covid-19 absences, the children have risen to the challenges and have coped brilliantly both in class and those that have been at home self-isolating.
The term's highlights have included exploring sound in our Science topic (which Mr Searle has been joining us for) and creating our own historical artefacts based on our knowledge of the Shang Dynasty. Pictures will be uploaded as soon as the artefacts are completed.
Please do continue to check on the icons below for support with homework and additional resources, which we do update regularly. You can now find links to some times tables songs under the Maths icon and we've added this term's KIRFs.
Topic Map Spring Term - Whizz, Pop, Bang!
Daily Timetable
Friday 17th December 2021
We have had a wonderful term here in Kingfisher Class. The children have enjoyed learning about mountains and rivers in Geography and used their geographical knowledge to inform their DT project when making their 3D mountain models. They had such fun in their Forest School session a couple of weeks ago when they had to work in teams to create constructions using rope, sticks and wool. The results were very impressive! They have continued to work hard in both English and Maths, honing their skills and building on their previous learning.
Wishing you a very happy Christmas and an enjoyable break and we look forward to seeing the children when they return to school in January.
Marvellous Modroc Mountains
Peaks and Troughs - Autumn Topic Map
Daily Timetable
Wednesday 5th January 2022
Happy New Year and welcome back! Thank you so much for all your kind wishes, cards, words and generous gifts at the end of last term. We are all very grateful and feel quite spoilt.
Below you will find the Topic Map for this term, Whizz Pop Bang, which shows how all areas of the curriculum the children are learning this term link together. We have also added the Spring 1 KIRFS for Maths and an updated version of our Daily Timetable, so that you know what we are doing in class each day.
We're really looking forward to all of the work we're going to be doing together in Kingfisher Class in 2022. Watch this space for regular updates.
Miss Dineen, Mrs Roberts, Mrs Zarti & Mr Witz
Perfect Poppy Pictures
Friday 22nd October 2021
What a fantastic start to the year the children in Kingfisher Class have made. Their progress in swimming at St George's has been phenomenal and it has been such a pleasure to watch. They have worked hard in Science and have enjoyed creating electrical circuits in our practical work on electricity. Our Peaks and Troughs topic continues into next term and you can see what we're covering in the Topic Map above.
Beautiful Bees - Amazing work on our non-chronological reports
Wednesday 22nd September 2021
It was lovely to have so many of you join us for the Meet the Teacher Zoom this afternoon. Please find below the PowerPoint of today's presentation together with all the information we discussed.
Miss Dineen & Mrs Roberts