Home learning
18th February 2022 School Closure Online Learning Day
7th February - 11th February 2022 Home learning Instructions
31st January 2022 - 4th February 2022 Home Learning Activities
24th - 28th January 2022
17th - 21st January 2022
10th - 14th January 2022 Home Learning 'Winter Week'
Spring term
Wednesday 2nd February.
Our learning objective this term is to identify when it is easy and difficult to show friendship and to explore when Jesus may have found it difficult,
This afternoon we are going to start by thinking about the bible story from last week, that you thought it was easiest for Jesus to show friendship (links to the stories we've used are shown below). Which part was the most significant and why? What did you see? What did they feel? What do you wonder?
Did God help Jesus show friendship, even when it was difficult?
Now think about the story you thought it was hardest for Jesus to show friendship.
How was it the same or different?
When might Christians today find it difficult to show friendship and how would they ask God to help them?
Please draw a picture and label it to explain your ideas.
Wednesday 26th January
Following on from last week, please remember what you can about the three stories we read from the bible - Mary and Martha, Calming of the storm and Zaccheus. (See 19th January below for the links if required).
Christians believe Jesus taught them they must always try to show friendship; even when it is difficult, as that is what God wants them to do.
Please imagine you were Jesus; which of these situations do you think it would have been the hardest for Him to show friendship and why? When was it easiest for Jesus to show friendship and why? Try to explain each one in a sentence.
Christians believe that Jesus was God's son, so would have been able to overcome these difficult times.
When might Christians today find it difficult to show friendship and how would they ask God to help them?
Do you always show friendship to others and help them be happy?
Wednesday 19th January
Following on from last week when we used the book 'Say Hello' to think how we show friendship to others. To further develop our understanding of Christianity, we will use stories from the bible to learn why Christians believe that Jesus is a good friend to them.
Use a children's bible, if you have one or follow the links below to think:-
How did Jesus show this friendship and was it always easy? Say and then write your answers for each story in sentences.
Having thought about these stories from the bible, can you again think of occasions when you find it easy/difficult to be a good friend and why?
Christians believe Jesus taught them they must always try to show friendship even when it is difficult, as that is what God wants them to do.
Wednesday 12th January
Today we continue learning about Christianity, but our focus will be 'Jesus as a friend'.
We read the story 'Say Hello' by Jack and Michael Foreman, which is about someone being left out. (Please use this link https://youtu.be/1lF-QUuloNc).
Think how you could have shown friendship to the character who is left out and how to make them feel included. Draw a picture with speech bubbles of what could be said.
Think of things that a good friend does and does not do. Please write in sentences.
Then think whether it is always easy to show friendship and when it might be difficult to be a good friend. Again, please write in sentences. Thank you.
Autumn Term
Having learned about the Christmas story from the bible. On the afternoon of Wednesday 1st December, the children retold the story and then concentrated on the gifts that were given to the baby Jesus. We then thought 'What gifts might Christians in my town have given Jesus if he had been born here rather than in Bethlehem?'
Would they give a sheep, gold, frankincense or myrrh?
Please think of your ideas - draw/label a picture of the gifts.
Wednesday 8th December
Today, we retold the Christmas story using the bible as a support.
We then discussed 'Why do Christians believe Jesus is a special gift from God to the world?' We reminded ourselves about the topic of Creation from last term and suggestions were made of helping others and looking after the world. What other thoughts do you have?
Then, if you would like to, think and draw what gift you would give the baby Jesus if He was born near here yesterday and why?
The children also practiced the letter 's' in their handwriting and the following phonics in their groups (review of phase 2 and 3, blending cvcc words - milk, hand, lump and tent, reading phase 4).
Thank you,
Mrs Spong