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Cheapside CE

Primary School

'Achieving Our Best, In Thought, In Word, In Deed'

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Reading comprises two elements in Year 4: independent reading and focused reading.


In class, children have the opportunity to explore new texts in their independent reading - they may choose a book from the shelves in the classroom and might also have a banded book that they are reading.  If they have a book that they're reading at home, this can also come into school.  After lunch each day, we have a slot where the teacher will listen to some readers and the rest of the class will read independently. They also have reading journals in which they can complete tasks linked to their reading. 

Each day, we also do focused reading which is either a one-off comprehension or a class reader which we respond to using VIPERS: Vocabulary, Inference, Prediction, Explanation, Retrieval, Summarise.

Reading is also part of the every day homework expectation; this can be reading to someone at home, talking about a book or even having someone read a book to them! 

Please see below for more information.
