Thursday 27th & Friday 28th January 2022
In these lessons we are returning to our work on diaries (see English from last week if you are unsure).
Write a list of all the features of a diary that you can remember e.g. it is written in the first person (I, we, my, me, our).
Once you have done this look back at the diary entry for the girl in Girl and Robot (scroll through Resource Sheets to Resource Sheet 3a below).
Option 1:
If you have already written your diary entry for the girl, I would like you to now edit and improve it considering the following things: have you written consistently in the first person? Have you included a preposition phrase? Have you varied the way you start sentences (make sure every sentence doesn't start with then, I and it)? Have you included the girl's emotions? Have you written in paragraphs?
Option 2:
If you haven't yet written your diary entry for the girl, I would like you to plan and write it today. Include all the things you worked on e.g. writing in the first person, include a preposition phrase, vary the way you start each sentence, include the girl's emotions etc.
Wednesday 26th January 2022
Hello Kingfishers!
For today please could you continue to expand your work from yesterday and see if you can write any more adjective ideas down.
Tuesday 25th January 2022
Today's lesson is a one-off poetry lesson.
Have a look through the PowerPoint and follow the instructions. If you are able, print out the picture on the word document to write your adjective ideas down on but if you can't then just write them out on paper.
Have fun! :)
Monday 24th January 2022
Today's lesson is our spelling lesson. See if you can give yourself a spelling test on last week's spellings - the prefix mis-. You can find the spellings on our class page under the Spellings Big Group Spring 1 icon - Spring 1 Test 3.
The new spellings for this week are all about the prefix dis-. Look at the PowerPoint below and then complete the word search. You can complete the Look, Cover, Write sheet each day.
If you have a Nessy login please use that to work on your spellings.