In class today, we will be finishing our stories started yesterday.
When you have finished, please check your punctuation and edit your work (with a purple pen if you have one!) Remember this means that you are looking to see if you can improve your writing in any way - this is almost always possible!
For example:
- Think about your vocabulary - can you improve any of the words you have used? Look for more interesting synonyms in a thesaurus (online or book).
- Could you start your sentences in different, more interesting ways, perhaps with an adverbial, for example 'Under the towering cliffs'?
- Have you started EVERY sentence with a capital letter and also used capital letters for all your place names and names of people?
- Have you used some extended noun phrases, using more than one adjective (describing word) to describe a noun and written commas between them?
- Perhaps you would like to also illustrate your story!
Remember that editing and improving your work shows that you are becoming a thoughtful and mature writer
I really look forward to reading your story when you return to school!