Doves - Year 2
Transition to Year 2 2021
Doves have made Brazilian headdresses
Let's explore London by bus...
Hello all,
We hope you are all well and we are so looking forward to seeing you all back in school on Monday!
To help you to organise yourselves for coming back into school after such a long time, we have put together a list of things that you will please need to bring in on Monday:
- Your pencil case containing: pencils, a glue stick (really important!), a ruler and rubber. If you have your own coloured pencils and scissors too, that is great!
- Your reading book from before the Christmas holidays
- Your whiteboards and whiteboard pens.
- Your Memory Box that you have created, if you would like to share it with the class.
- Please do not bring in your Blue and Green exercise books, as I have already seen and marked all of your Assignments online. Kindly keep these at home in the event that they are needed again. BUT please bring your 3D stars and collaged stars in so we can display them. Can you also please bring in your Red London bus sheet your fold up GFOL house from a few weeks ago.
- Please make sure you are in P.E kit for Forest school on Monday and P.E on Tuesday as per normal.
- Thank you and see you Monday morning at 8.40am.
Three more sleeps....till school opens!!
Screen free Wednesday - in school we decorated hats and pillowcases.
Seeing Rainbows everywhere...
Safer houses than the ones they had back in 1666!!
Remote teaching timetable- a guide
A perfect combination...children and chocolate!!
Anna's garden..
Felix waiting for birds but his cat has other ideas!!
From Lea's garden
Birdwatch - Dove class off to a flying start! Thank you Benjamin.
Amazing Art
Dear Parents/carers,
I hope this finds you all safe and well?
As you can see I have added some photos of the reindeer visit which you might like to share with your child - we learnt lots of interesting facts about Reindeers.
On the Video Resource page there is a very short little video of the children learning some dance moves with Ms Higgins. I apologise for the quality of my filming!
Looking forward to seeing the children as soon as possible.
Kind regards,
Fiona Day
Reindeer visit.
Having fun making our portholes!!
Dear Parents/Carers,
Just to let you know I have put some photos on the class page ( apologies for putting them in the weekly spellings block - I have no idea how to change it!!) - enjoy!
Thank you for the shoe boxes that have come in so far - the children are really looking forward to creating their cabin on the Titanic.
The Common exception words for this term are also on the page.
Take care and let me know if there is anything I can do to further support your child in Year 2.
Kind regards,
Fiona Day
Introducing ZOLPHY - who will be going up to Year 3 with Dove class in September!!
Making the most of family time
DIY, basketball, skate boarding, Zumba, den building, tree climbing, t. shirt name it -Doves are doing it!!
Some great home learning...
Radio Flyer reinvented...
Scientists at work...
NRICH Maths challenge
Some English work from Week 4
Week 4 : 11th-15th May
Dear Parents and carers,
Hope this finds you all well and safe and having enjoyed VE day celebrations in some way or another.
Here is the work for next week , again do what you can and feel happy doing, there is no pressure.There is information on the work for this week which gives you all more detail.
Thank you for all the fabulous photos - they're helping us all stay connected as a class.
I'm at the 'other end of the email' if you need any help.
Take care,
Fiona Day
Thank you Dove class
![Still image for this video](
Imaginative stories
More creativity...
![Still image for this video](
English can be such fun!!
Too good to burn!
Some lovely English work from week 2 of the home learning...
Week 3: 4- 8th May
Dear Parents/carers,.
Please find attached the home learning for next week. Any questions/queries please email me on the class email:
I have, for your convenience, replicated all the website links you need for this weeks lessons/activities and I have downloaded each Maths activity and answer sheet from White Rose Maths.
Look out for Evod's next adventure....
Stay safe and take care and please keep the wonderful photos coming in.
Kind regards,
Fiona Day
Week 3: 4-8th May
looking very smart with his new haircut ...clever Dad!
Great home learning
Well done Doves on some great work on 'Adventure in the Pits'
Special family time and learning some new skills..
Evod learning some new, fun skills...
A Perfect , dream birthday...
Read on for a great Space adventure ...
Week 2 27th April -1st May
Dear Doves and parents/carers,
Thankfully the sun is still shining and I can see from some of the photos that have been shared you are making the most of the glorious weather.
So here us the work for the week, hopefully you find it manageable and fun to do. Please let me know how you are getting on and I'd love to receive photos of your activities so I can share them on this class page for us all to celebrate.
Take care everyone and hopefully we'll see each other soon.
Mrs Day x
Mrs Lewis says 'hello' and is looking forward to seeing you all soon!
Times Tables Rock Stars
Just to let you know that they've been set to just 2, 5 and 10's as that is all Year 2 need to know at this stage , however , if anyone feels their child is very confident and would like to move on then please email me on the class email.
Week 2:
Someone's little brother wearing his Brazilian football strip creation...thank you for sharing.
Fun home learning
A fabulous new Brazilian football strip..
A GFOL house complete with flames and a cool Brazilian football strip design...
A fabulous GFOL house
An excellent Easter story
Dear Dove class and parents /carers,
Please find attached the home learning for this week. Please feel free to email me on the class page if you have any concerns.
Please continue with the KIRFS from the first 'home learning pack'- sent home before the Easter holidays.
A good warm up for Maths each day is the following website (see below), the children really enjoy it in class and is something they can do from a computer, laptop etc at home. They are fun online games whereby children are timed practising their, number bonds, mutiplications , doubles and halves - really important for all their Maths in Year 2 and beyond.
Here are the children's art works from last term , for one of the lessons we used black card and tissue paper and for the other one we used chalk pastels.
Hi everyone,
Hope you're all enjoying the weather...
Here is a fabulous house created by Matteo ,for the DT project set as part of the home learning tasks.
Can you remember why the houses burned so easily during the GFOL?
Hello everybody - missing you all!
David Walliams is also offering a free audio version of his books, which he is uploading daily, although it is proving very difficult to find them! His website The world of David Walliams wasn't easy to navigate either so if you manage to find them please share with the other Dove parents on the your class whatsapp page and if you could let me know via the class email I'd really appreciate it.
Thank you and good luck!
Dear parents,
Hope you are all well and keeping safe?
Although we gave the children 2 weeks worth of work , we appreciate you might want to look at some reading websites because you won't be able to change your child's book whilst the schools are closed.
Why not give these a try:
Go on to the Oxford Owls website - You will need to create your own logins to access the ebooks). and then click on the Teacher portal, you should then enter Username: and Password: Parents20!
You could also look at Epic books ( which have lots of free books to read online.
Cressida Cowell is reading a chapter a day of her book How to train your dragon on youtube
Please see below in case you've misplaced the letter from last week that was put inside the work packs.
Dear Parent/carer,
Your child is bringing home a pack of school work that will cover them for 2 weeks. In the pack you will find English, Maths, reading and some DT work to complete.
Also included in the packs are the children’s passwords and usernames for Purple Mash – the computer programme we follow in school.
On Purple Mash there are a variety of Maths games which consolidate the work done in class. There is also a topic page and on this there are some Great Fire of London activities. (The children know how to access this)
In addition to the work you will find in the pack, we’d like the children to write a story- remembering to include an Introduction, a main body and a conclusion. In class they would work on a story for up to a week and in some cases even more so we’d recommend doing the same at home. Encourage the children to plan their story and re –read it after every paragraph and make necessary corrections.
As part of our topic on the Great Fire of London we would like the children to make a house from any recyclables you may have at home – a house from the time of the Great Fire of London- our plan is to burn them ion the playground as part of our topic- something we were looking forward to doing at school prior to the Easter break but will do once we’re all back together.
Take care and hopefully we’ll all be back together soon.
Mrs Day and Mrs Yasin
Dear Parents,
Hopefully you've had a chance to look through the packs that your child brought home on Friday.
Mrs Yasin and I put 2 weeks worth of work in the pack so should keep them busy.
Apologies to those mums who didn't have a Mothers Day art work included in their pack , unfortunately we started making them last Thurs and some children were understandably absent and didn't get a chance to make one. We hope you all had a lovely day yesterday.
We will be posting suggestions for reading websites and other websites that may be of interest, until then... keep safe.
Dove Class
Welcome to the spring term in Doves Class
Welcome back, I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year ! In my absence this term, the class will be taught by Mrs Bensch on a Monday and Tuesday and Mr Tilly on Wednesday-Friday. Mrs Searle will also be supporting the teaching in Doves for this first half term. If you have any questions or queries then please speak to Mrs Summers or Mrs Searle.
This term PE will on a Tuesday morning and the children will be doing gym.
Our topic for this term is 'Let's Explore London'
This term I am trialling Knowledge Organisers in Science and Geography. The documents below contain all the essential knowledge that your child will need to know by the end of the topic in Science and Geography. I hope you find these useful to use at home with your child to support their learning and understanding.
Knowledge Organiser
Welcome to the Autumn term in Dove class
The teacher is Fiona Day and the Teaching Assistants are Kath Baul-Lewis, Henry Day and Paul Ryker. We have 30 children in Dove class. We also have a new member of our class and his name is EVOD , he will be going home with a different child each Friday and returning on Monday, so that it's not too onerous for parents there will be 1 sheet of A4 card in his bag to record his weekend away. Children can record the information in any way they like and could include: photos, drawings and/or writing.
It's the final week of term and we are settling into the new class routines well. KEEP IT UP DOVES!!
This term we have been learning about dinosaurs as part of our wider topic 'Watch out!' The children have shared some fabulous work from home - Thank you everyone.
Just to remind everyone about our timetable for the week...
Mon pm - PE
Tues pm - Forest school
Fri pm- Show and tell before home time.
Please can parents make sure spelling books are in the book bags on a Friday so that we can stick in the next weeks words.
Feel free to catch me at the end of the day for a 2 min catch up if there is something you need to discuss or book in for a longer meeting if neccessary. I will always endeavour to see you the within the week.
Have a happy and restful half term and I look forward to welcoming the children back on Tues 5th Nov.