Week Beginning 17th January 2022
Phonics for the week
Exercise your hands ready for handwriting. Get some playdough or a squeezy ball and dance to your favourite song. Exercise your fingers, arms and hands by squeezing, pulling, prodding and rolling the dough. We call this 'dough disco'!
You will then be ready to practise writing the letters and words on the handwriting sheets.
Listen to the story 'The Great Explorer' by Chris Judge. Talk about what a map is. You can look at the powerpoint or look at some maps at home. Can you draw your own map of Tom's adventure? What did he see on his journey? Can you label the objects or places on your map? Can you write a sentence about where Tom visited?
This term we are learning about different celebrations. Last week we saw how different countries celebrated the coming of the New Year 2022 and thought about New Year resolutions we could make. Today we begin to learn about the Hindu festival of colours called 'Holi'.
As you will see from the video link above, Holi is linked to the coming of Spring.
What are the seasons? Watch the following link and check your knowledge.
Please make the seasons wheel below or sort the pictures as an alternative.
Finally, think back to the festival of Holi and the bonfire that is lit. What would you want to forget about the past year and what are your hopes for the new year?
Can you also find India on a map?
Read or listen to the story 'The Great Explorer'. Can you remember what happens throughout the story as you read it?
Choose your favourite part of the story or choose one of the pictures on the writing frame. Can you write a sentence about the picture or your favourite part of the story? Draw your own picture or use the writing frame. Your sentence could be about what you see in the picture or what happens in the story.
Wednesday - Handwriting
Wednesday Literacy
Today we are researching animals that live in the Arctic (North Pole). Watch the video and go through the powerpoint. Can you remember any facts about the animals?
Make an Arctic animal fact poster. Draw a picture of your favourite animal (or you can paint a picture or make a collage). Have a go at writing some facts about the animal. Try and think of a sentence and then write it. Remember to read it back to yourself to check that it is correct. Use your phonic sounds to write words. Don't forget you will need a capital letter, finger space between words and a full stop if you are writing a sentence.
Watch the videos and look at the fact file about the Northern Lights. Can you make a picture of the Northern Lights. You could use chalk and blend the colours with your finger. If you don't have any coloured chalk available then you can make the picture using any resources that you have at home, E.g., collage or paint or pencils or felt tips. Look at the colours and patterns made by the Northern Lights and try and include them in your picture.
Today we have practised subtraction and 1 less within 5. Have a look at the powerpoint and sing the song '5 current buns'. Use the Ten Frame to place 5 current buns on the top line placing them from left to right. You can use counters or objects as current buns. Take away the counters as you sing the song together.
Have a go at one of the worksheets or in class we had a shop selling items up to 5p. The children had a Tesco clubcard which gave them a 1p discount on items for sale. They had to work out what the discounted price would be. Use the ten frame to place your counters/money to help you work out the answer. You can extend the activity by making the prices higher or making the discount higher.
There are also some 'digging deeper' worksheets to challenge those children that are secure in the above task.
Jigsaw Jenie wants to set you a big challenge today. Set the children a hard challenge for example:
- build a tall tower using only spaghetti and marshmallows or wooden bricks
- build a tower from cards
- get a bowl of small objects e.g sequins and beads and blindfold a child: can they only pick out the sequins?
Find a challenge that is hard to complete.
How did you find that challenge? How did it make you feel? Read one of the suggested stories or one similar with the theme of not giving up when facing a hard challenge or problem.
Questions: How did you find that challenge? How did it make you feel? What sorts of things do we everyday that are tricky? Do you ever have any problems with your friends? How do you sort these out?
Talk about how sometimes we may come across things that are hard. Discuss how we could overcome them. If we were to do the challenges again, what could we do to help us achieve them? What sorts of things do we every day that are tricky? Do you ever have any problems with your friends? How do you sort these out?