Tuesday 22 March
Phonics - Work through the power point
English - see if you can fix the sentences and write them in cursive handwriting.
Maths - Have a go working through the slides
Monday 21st March
Morning challenge: remember the names and properties of 2D shapes as you complete the task below.
Please watch the video below, pausing when appropriate, then complete the sheet below that.
Read and spell the tricky words introduced last week (past, last, fast, grass, class and pass).
Next read the following words (after, father and plant). Then write them as part of sentences.
Following on our Questioning session last week about yes/no answers.
Please work through the following slideshow and then complete the binary tree outline using the animals below. Remember that your questions should have yes/no answers.
Please read Matthew 21: 1-11 (Palm Sunday) to Matthew 28: 1-10 (Jesus is risen) from a children's bible. Then complete the following ordering activity.
Thursday 18th March
Maths - watch the video first and then complete the activity sheet
Maths activity sheet
Have a good look at the picture and see if you can answer the questions.
1.See if you can find different sized balls at home and ones that are made from different materials.
2.Test each one to see how high they bounce - if you have a tape measure at home you could use this to measure how high each ball bounces.
3. Try to fill the results of your experiment in the sheet attached.
Science results sheet
Wednesday 16th March
Spellings - write out the words and see decide how you might group these words.
Look at slides 2-7 of the Power point and then watch the video from 4 mins in, until 7/8 mins, which shows you how they used the fire fighting equipment.
Then have a go the sheet where you have to decide 'Who did what'
Who did what?
Tuesday 15th March
Morning Starter
How many words can you make with the word 'interestingly'
English - Work through the slides and see if you can put in the correct punctuation.
Monday 14th March
Morning challenge: please write a paragraph about your weekend; using as many different time conjunctions as you can (first, after, meanwhile, later...).
Please watch the video below, pausing when appropriate and then complete the worksheet below that.
Our new tricky words are: fast, last, past, pass, class and grass.
Please read the words in the list above and then write a sentence for each word.
We continued to develop our tennis skills, so if you have a racket and ball..... Can you control the ball on the racket; moving at different speeds and directions. Let the ball drop and then trap the ball against the racket. Throw up the ball and trap the ball against the racket. If you have a wall, you can then try and hit the ball towards it.
Today we will continue our unit on Questioning and focus on yes/no questions.
If possible, see the slideshow below which shows different shapes and then characters to think of yes/no questions about (eg. Is it red? rather than What colour is it?).
Then play the avatar game below, which is like Guess Who? - if you have it.
Please write down some yes/no questions that you ask.
Last week we started to think about how it feels to lose someone or a pet that we are close to. We talked about it, but please now write a response to the following questions.
Have you ever lost a pet or someone close to you? Who is it and how does it feel?
How do you cope with sad feelings? Do you have a special place to think of them?
How do you help yourself remember them? Last week, I shared photographs I keep and items that were given to me by that person.
Hi Doves,
Sorry we weren't able to have our movie and popcorn afternoon- that you all worked really hard for , however, we will make sure we do it after half term
I have put a bit of Maths work on the page for today. We started it yesterday so watch the video again and have a go at as much of the worksheet as you can. There is also a little bit of Phonics work too.
Have a lovely half term and stay safe x.
Fri 18th Feb Maths video
Fri 18th Feb Maths sheets to try after the video
For Phonics today, see how many of the rhymes you can remember that help us spell the following tricky words:
Monday 7th February 2022
Morning challenge: Now the Winter Olympics have started in Beijing, how many words can you make from the letters of 'Winter Olympics'?
Which events take place in the Winter Olympics?
Read the tricky words - children, wild, climb, even, great, break, beautiful, pretty, steak, water, again and whole.
Spell the words - beautiful, pretty, whole, again and water.
Remember that when ‘a’ follows a ‘w’ ‘wh’ ‘qu’ it usually makes the phoneme /o/ : was, what, squash. However in a few words when ‘ar’ follows ‘w’ it makes phoneme /or/: war, warm, towards. In water the ‘a’ makes /or/.
Please write a sentence including the words beautiful and water.
Please watch the video above, pausing when appropriate. Then complete the sheet below.
In P.E. this term, we are developing Gymnastics - balances, rolls and different ways of travelling on mats and apparatus. Please try the balances below (shown last week) and focus on the new 'pike'.
Can you put together a sequence of movements safely; using as many different body parts? Remember to hold your balances for three seconds.
Friday 4th February
Please watch the following video, pausing when appropriate. Then complete the sheet below that.
R.E. Judaism
(We didn't have time on Monday for our R.E. session, so we will be doing this today).
Think about the special meal you created last week. Remember who it was for and describe why you chose the meal you did. The people who we love and respect are important to us. Today we will learn more about Moses and the story of the Passover.
Look at the sequencing cards and recognise the additional facts about the story of Passover from the video clip we have watched in previous weeks.
Which events tell us how important it is for Jews to do as God asks?
Why do Jews choose to do as God asks?
What other ways do Jews do as God asks (mezuzah/prayer, shawls/ Sabbath, Shabbat)?
Tuesday 1st February 2022
Morning challenge:- Write a few sentences about your weekend. See if you can link your sentences using the co ordinating conjunctions that we have learnt; because, if, and , then, when, or.
Practice writing the words; pretty, beautiful, even, whole, water, again
el saying l in words
Using your number facts have a go at these calculations;
1. 6+8=6=
2. 3+8+7=
3. 5+9+5=
4. 4+7+6=
5. 9+8+2=
6. 4+8+4=
7. 7+7+5=
8. 8+4+6=
9. 9+9+6=
We are going to be writing a postcard about our experience on the Titanic but before we do the final version ,we need to think about what we are going to write and how. I would like you to write a few sentences about the things you are doing on the Titanic as a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd class passenger - hopefully you can remember which class passenger you are? You need to read your sentences back to yourself and check that you have written neatly, using full stops, Capital letters and some co ordinating conjunctions. You will all be writing in the past tense so think about that as you read your sentences back to yourselves.
You will need to bring these back into school when you are better and then you will be able to write up your neat version.
Monday 31st January
Morning challenge: As today is 'National Backward Day' how many opposites can you think of and write down?
Read the tricky words - could, would, should, our, house, mouse, water and want.
Write the words - great, break, steak, beautiful, pretty, whole, children, wild and climb.
Spell the new words - again, water and even.
Can you think of a mnemonic ('Oranges Up Lemons Down' helps with would/could/should) for each word to help remember the spelling?
Please write a sentence for each of these new words (again, water and even).
Please watch the following video, pausing when appropriate. Then complete the sheet below that.
In P.E. this term, we are developing Gymnastics - balances, rolls and different ways of travelling on mats and apparatus. Please try the balances below and focus on the new 'straddle'.
Can you put together a sequence of movements safely; using as many different body parts? Remember to hold your balances for three seconds.
Computing (you will need your Purple Mash login)
Please work through the powerpoint above. You will need to open a new Spreadsheet for slide 5 onwards; using 2calculate on Purple Mash. You have already done this in the last three computing lessons through the Tools area or 2Dos. Please set up the table and make a graph as instructed.
Please remember to save your work and 'hand in' if using the 2Do.
Thursday 28th January 2022
Morning work:- Complete the word search.
Maths:- Adding 3 digits together using number facts.
Spelling:- Adding ing or ed
Topic:- See if you can put the statements in order of importance - the top point of the diamond is the most important and the bottom point is the least important. There are only 9 spaces but you have 11 statements so decide what is not so important and leave those out.
Wednesday 26th January 2022
Morning challenge:- How many ways can you make 45.
English/Topic - Have a go and see how many answers you know or you could look them up..
Forest School:-This is an activity to try if you can get out into the garden.
English/Topic:- If you have access to a laptop , computer etc have a look and see what you can find out about the different entertainment that was available to the different class passengers on the ship. You can then have a go at the attached sheet.
Maths - do as many of the squares as you can - don't worry about the ones that require you to divide or multiply.
Tricky word practice:- See if you can find ways of remembering how to spell these words.
children ,wild , climb, pretty, beautiful, whole
Tuesday 25th January 2022
Morning challenge:- How many words can you find in the word in the words:
Frosty morning
Monday 24th January 2022
Morning challenge: How many different ways can you make 20p?
Read the tricky words - their, people, oh, your, Mr, Mrs, ask, could, would, should, our, house, mouse, water and want.
Write the words - because, every, everybody, great, break, steak, could, would and should, children, wild and climb.
Spell the new words - pretty, beautiful and whole.
Can you think of a mnemonic (because, 'Oranges Up Lemons Down' helps with would/could/should) for each word to help remember the spelling?
Please write a sentence for each of these new words (pretty, beautiful and whole).
White Rose Maths: Year 2 Money week 3
Please watch the following video, pausing when appropriate. Then complete the sheet below that.
In P.E. this term, we are developing Gymnastics - balances, rolls and different ways of travelling on mats and apparatus. Can you put together a sequence of movements safely; using as many different body parts? Remember to hold your balances for three seconds.
Computing (you will need your Purple Mash login)
Please work through the powerpoint above. You will need to open a new Spreadsheet for slide 5 onwards, using 2calculate on Purple Mash. You have already done this in the last two computing lessons through the Tools area or 2Dos.
Please remember to save your work.
R.E. Judaism
Our learning objective this term is to understand how celebrating Passover helps Jews show God they value their special relationship with Him.
We have learned about respect for others (linking to our school values) and features of Passover, having learned about Shabbat in year 1 (see the BBC clips below if needed).
Last week, we sampled some of the ingredients on a Seder plate (parsley, salt water, horseradish) which link to their Exodus from Egypt under Moses.
Please plan a special meal for some people you love and respect. Who is it for and why have you chosen these foods? Use the file below or draw on a paper plate if you have one or collect the foods and put them on a plate , if you have them. Please bring the paper plate in or take a photo and email it to the office.
Friday 21st January 2022
Morning activity
Spelling for Friday
Maths for Friday
Topic work for Friday
Thurs 20th January 2022
Apologies to those of you who looked on here yesterday morning and found a blank page! We have no idea what happened but it seems that all this week's work has disappeared somewhere in the ether! Just do what your child is comfortable doing. If they only choose one thing to do I would suggest the Maths sheet so they can keep up to date.