Good Morning!
Task Instructions
- After all your planning yesterday, I would now like you to write your own Troll Story, using all those lovely ideas. You can really have fun with this! Please use any suitable paper you might have at home, or you could even type it if you prefer! Please don't worry if it takes a long time to write your story and you don't have time to finish it today. You can use some of your English time tomorrow to finish it!
- See the 'Write your Story' resource for guidance on how to do this and more ideas of what to include. There is even a first paragraph you can use to start you off.
- When you have finished your work, look through it and check that it flows and makes sense. Remember to check the spelling and punctuation and illustrate your text with pictures or drawings.
- I would love to see your work, so please do bring it back into school when you return and we can put it in your English book!