In Year 1 homework comprises of maths, spellings and daily reading. Occasionally there may be work or research for a different subject.
Please read with your child everyday, this is so important and as reading is the key to everything your child will need regular daily practice.
Please help your child to learn to read and spell the common exception words (or tricky words) for this half term. Regular work on these at home will help your child to secure spelling of these words. We will be working on these in class but work at home is important to ensure that these are committed to long term memory. We will test these spellings just after each half term and will let you know how your child has got on. The weekly newsletters will also let you know the phonic sounds we are working on each week so please take a look and work on these sounds at home. Your child would first need to be able to read the words, sounding them out and then having a go at writing them. As an extra challenge can they write a sentence using the words?
Each half term we would like your child to learn some key instant recall number facts.(KIRFs) Please work with your child to learn these facts so that they have quick recall of them. There are ideas on the sheet of how to help your child learn these facts. Each half term has a different set of facts to learn.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any concerns or queries,