Spelling Homework Friday 18th February
Hello Nightingales and Parents!
Because of the school closure on Friday, I was unable to give the children their Spelling sheets. The children have already been given their new spellings in class and talked about them. Please find them below - The Large Group is my group and the Small Group is the group that works with Mrs Hine.
Times Tables
Please continue to practise the Times Table that you are currently on, along with the linked division facts. If you feel super confident with it, start having a look at the next Times Table. Remember the order is as follows: 2,10, 5, 3, 4, 6, 8, 7, 9,11,12. Please don't worry about the test on the week after half term - I will ensure that you have plenty of time to practise.
However..... please don't work too hard and have a wonderful half-term break!
Mrs Ryker