Friday 21st January 2022
Can you remember the work that we did at the beginning of the week on prepositions? Can you remember what a preposition is? It tells us whereabouts something is in relation to other things e.g. near, next to, on, above etc. Watch the song again to remind you.
Today we are going to revisit the work that we started about the film Girl and Robot. Do you remember that we began mapping the girl's emotions? Watch the film again taking real care to watch her face carefully to see what emotions she's showing and thinking carefully about how they change and why they change.
Imagine the girl stopped before she turned up the power for the final time in order to write in her diary. Read this part of the diary entry in the document below. Can you find an example of a preposition phrase? Notice that the opening words to each sentence are different and do not all begin with I, despite being in the first person. The diary entry is not too formal why do you think this is?
Now I would like you to write a list of all the things you would include if you were writing a diary entry as the girl.
Once you've written your list, I would like you to start drafting your own diary entry for everything that happens in the film as though you were the girl. Check back at your list to see if you've included everything. Use the diary checklist from yesterday to help you too. Don't worry if you don't finish this because we will continue working on it in school next week. When you come back into school, please bring this piece of work with you.
Diary Entry - scroll down to Resource 3a on p.4 of the document
Thursday 20th January 2022
Today you will continue to work on your diary writing skills.
Look at the document below and follow the planning ideas to write a diary entry as one of the suggested characters. You can choose the 1 star, 2 star or 3 star version (1 being the easiest with each star being a little more challenging) - scroll down on the document to find 2 star and 3 star.
Wednesday 19th January 2022
This week we are building up our writing skills in order to write our own diary entry as the girl from the short film we watched, Girl and Robot.
Today I would like you to read through the PowerPoint on the features of diaries.
Then look through the Diary Writing Checklist.
Finally, look through each of the diary entry examples and highlight and label all of the diary features that you can find.
Challenge: How many books can you think of which are diaries? Write down as many as you can think of.
Tuesday 18th January 2022
Today's work is all about prepositions, preposition phrases and adverbs.
The PowerPoint presentation explains what prepositions and adverbs are.
Watch the song video to help you understand and then complete as many of the tasks as you can. If you can't print out the work then simply write the sentences out on paper.
Mrs Roberts :)
Monday 17th January 2022
Today's lesson is our spelling lesson. See if you can give yourself a spelling test on last week's spellings - the long /a/ sound spelt 'ey'. You can find the spellings on our class page under the Spellings Big Group Spring 1 icon - Spring 1 Test 2.
The new spellings for this week are all about the prefix mis-. Look at the PowerPoint below and then complete the word search. You can complete the Look, Cover, Write sheet each day.
Or use Nessy if you have a login.