Autumn Term
Homework: Thursday 7.12.23
Due: Thursday 14.12.23
Three sheets to complete:
- reading comprehension
- maths facts
- grammar
Homework: Thursday 30.11.23
Due: Monday 4.12.23
Book review for Wonder by RJ Palacio. Information in homework books.
Homework: Thursday 23.11.23
Due: Monday 27.11.23
Charles Darwin fact file. Sheet and information in homework books.
Homework Thursday 9.11.23
Due: Tuesday 14.11.23
Your challenge this week is to write a story! Your story must include the following:
- The words: enchanted, piano, obnoxious and bizarre
- Some speech, correctly punctuated (but not too much)
- A metaphor and/or a simile (describing something as being or being like something else e.g. she was an angel/she was like an angel)
- Some varied sentence openers e.g. sentences starting with –ing or –ly words
Your story does not need to be longer than a page and other than including the things above can be about whatever you want. Have fun!
Thursday 2.11.23 - No homework set
Geography Homework: Thursday 12.10.23
Due: Monday 30.10.23
This week’s homework is based on our North America topic in Geography. You have all of next week and the half term to complete it. I would like you to choose one of the countries of North America to research. You then need to present your research in whatever way you like. You could do a PowerPoint, a poster, a written report or even a model (perhaps using something like Lego and even better if you could label it) – it’s totally up to you. Think about what things you think are important for us to know about a country: climate, population, terrain, flag, animals, people’s customs etc.
Homework: Thursday 5.10.23
Due: Monday 9.10.23
1. Find a poem that you like and bring it in to share with the class. You can stick it into your homework book or write it out. Feel free to decorate or illustrate it too.
2. Learn words for harvest songs: Harvest Samba and Who Will Buy (for Harvest Celebration on Thursday 12th October).
Homework: Thursday 28.9.23
Due: Monday 2.10.23
Complete the 'Road Safety Quiz' that you have brought home on sheets. You can use the internet or a copy of the Highway Code to help you answer the questions. You can find a copy of the quiz below together with a link that might be helpful.
Homework 21.9.23
Due: Monday 25.9.23
Find out five facts about a Victorian man named John Merrick, more famously known as the ‘Elephant Man’.
Write a paragraph (or more) explaining how his situation could relate to that of Auggie.
Useful facts for your research
Homework – 14.9.23
Due: Monday 18.9.23
Research Treacher-Collins syndrome, which is the condition suffered by the main narrator of Wonder. You need to collect five facts: how it affects people; how common it is; symptoms etc.