Kestrels - Year 5
Transition to Year 5 - September 2024
Welcome to Kestrel Class
Welcome back to the Spring Term. Thank you for your kind wishes and gifts at the end of last term. They were greatly appreciated.
The children are now back up to full speed and are actively engaging in class. They are particularly inspired with our Space themed topic of 'May the Force be with you', the topic map for which is included below. The topic will culminate in a class trip to the Winchester Science Centre and Planetarium later this term.
Please do look at the folders below for additional support and information, and please note that weekly spellings and homework are updated here too. As always, should you wish to speak to either myself or, specifically on English, Mrs Roberts you can catch us on the playground at the end of the day or should you wish to have a meeting please let the office know.
Mr Searle, Mrs Roberts & Mrs Jain
Y5 Spring Topic Map - May the Force Be With You
Y5 Autumn Topic Map - We Are Not Amused
Weekly Lesson Plan
P.E. Reminder
PE - Mondays & Wednesdays - please wear PE kits.
NB. If your child participates in the Lunchtime Football Clubs they are Monday (Girls) and Tuesday (Boys). Children should bring in boots and shin pads should they wish to attend (there are some spare pairs of shin pads at school which can be borrow if needed).