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Kingfishers - Year 4

Welcome to Kingfisher Class - September 2021







































































































Welcome to Kingfishers Class

Class teacher: Miss Hipkin

Summer Term 1

This half-term is jam packed!

Year 4 will be doing PE on Tuesday mornings with Mrs Higgins and swimming on Wednesday mornings at St George's pool so please ensure your child comes to school in PE kit on these days with the addition of their swimming kit on a Wednesday.


Also, don't forget to bring in your “Super Six”. The “Super Six” is: glue stick, pencil, pencil sharpener, rubber, ruler. These items need to be named/labelled and in a pencil case. Please encourage your children not to bring in ‘special’ items that could cause upset if they go missing or are broken.


Our topic this term is 'Blood, Guts and Glory'. We will be looking at Roman History, alongside teeth and digestion in Science. You can find supporting information on these topics below.

Welcome back Kingfisher Class!



I hope you are all well. It has been a long time since we have seen each other and I am thoroughly looking forward to seeing you all back in school at 9am on Monday!


To help you to organise yourselves for coming back into school after such a long time, I have put together a list of things that you will please need to bring in on Monday:


  • Your pencil case containing: pencils, a glue stick (really important!), a ruler and rubber. If you have your own purple biro, coloured pencils and scissors too, that is great!
  • Your copy of 'The Iron Man'
  • Your whiteboards and whiteboard pens.
  • Your Memory Box that you have created, if you would like to share it with the class. I'm looking forward to seeing some of these!smiley
  • You do not need to bring in your Blue and Green exercise books. Kindly keep these at home in the event that they are needed again.
  • Please do not bring in your P.E. kit either, as you will need to come into school wearing your P.E. kit on Tuesdays (for P.E.) and Fridays (For Forest School)
  • If you took your wellies home, please bring them back in to pop onto our welly rack ready for Forest School.


Have a lovely weekend and see you all VERY soon!


Miss Hipkin










Remote Learning - Polar Bear Art

Remote Learning - Iron Man Models

Screen Free Wednesday Activity Grid

Remote Learning - Iron Man Art

Remote Learning - Shang Dynasty Artefacts


Please ensure you are reading every day at home. To quote a famous doctor...

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go." ~ Dr Seuss ~


In addition to this, I strongly suggest practising your times tables for 10 minutes each day using Times Table Rockstars, this will help you to beat your personal best in our test on a Friday!


Every Friday I will hand out the spellings to be tested the following week on a Look Cover Write Check sheet. These will be a mix the statutory 3/4 words and of common misspellings from the children's work. The children will be tested on these daily.




General notices

Children will need to come into school in their PE kits on Wednesdays ready for PE in the afternoon.


Wellies/Outdoor shoes are required in school at all times, so that the children can access the school field at play time.  These can be outdoor trainers or wellies and can be kept on the rack outside the classroom.


This page will be updated regularly, but if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.


Miss Hipkin























