Lessons 2&3
We are using our knowledge of instructional writing to make our own sandwiches! See what ingredients you have and then write instructions on how to make your own sandwich using these. Remember that you need to have a sub-heading explaining what you need (including both ingredients and equipment, and listed with bullet points) e.g.
What you need:
- 2 pieces of bread
- a knife, for cutting
Then, you need to write clear, numbered, step-by-step instructions e.g.
1. First, wash your hands with soap.
Remember to include adverbs, both at the front of sentences to show WHEN you do each step e.g. first, next, then and also before or after verbs telling you HOW to do something e.g. thinly slice.
Once you have written your instructions then you can make your sandwich (and eat it!).
Lesson 1
Over the next few weeks we are working on writing instructions. Look at the document below. Can you put the pictures into the right order so that it would be clear how to grow a basil plant?
Once you have decided the order to put the pictures in. Can you add a sentence or two to go with each picture to explain what you need to do?
Remember to write in full sentences and use the correct punctuation (full stops and capital letters).