End of Unit Assessment
We have finished our unit of Multiplication and Division and started the assessment of the unit with the recap assessment of Year 4 work (Multiplication).
Now complete the other assessments: Yr 4 Recap (Division) and Yr 5 (Multiplication and Division).
Remember to read through each question carefully to make sure you understand what is being asked. Please note that some of the questions are 2 step problems and need you to do 2 calculations to complete them.
There is no set time limit (approx. 20 mins per test should be enough for most of you) for each test and you may ask an adult to read through the questions with you - they are allowed to prompt you with supporting questions like:
- Do you understand what to do?
- What calculation de you need to do?
- What do you do next?
- Have you checked it through?
Remember to check through your work to avoid making any simple errors and to use reverse operations if you can.
Good Luck, don't worry and just try your best.