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Cheapside CE

Primary School

'Achieving Our Best, In Thought, In Word, In Deed'

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Week 5 Home learning

Message from Mrs Day

This week...


I have added some Science for week 5 and I've included a small Brazil activity.

Regarding the Maths challenge questions on the Friday ; please be aware that no.s 1,2 and 3 are for Year 2 and beyond those, the questions are a lot harder and are intended for higher Year groups. Having said that please feel free to have a go with your child if they are keen to.

Please don't forget the Reading Zone page on the website - it is updated very regularly and good if you are looking for Reading ideas.

If you feel your child is feeling stressed and anxious about the the situation we are all in please do look at the  Well being page 

As mentioned in previous weeks do consult the handwriting link I posted a couple of weeks ago.

There is no pressure to complete TTRS/Numbots they are extra links if your child is finished their weekly Maths and wants to do something number related.


English this week is a video called 'TAKING FLIGHT' which I know they will enjoy!


Don't hesitate to email me with any concerns.

Fiona Day
