Kestrels - Year 5
Welcome Back! - April 2023
We hope that you all had a lovely Easter break and are looking forward to the term ahead. The summer term is always packed but with lots of fun activities alongside our work. Please do keep checking our class page for information about what we're doing alongside spellings and KIRFs.
Mr Searle, Mrs Roberts & Mrs Zarti
Happy New Year - January 2023
A big thank you from the Year 5 team for all your kind cards, wishes and gifts at Christmas. We hope that you all had a restful and fun-filled break.
It has been lovely to see the children return to school this week and we are looking forward to the term ahead. Please continue to refer to the resources as detailed below, particularly spellings and KIRFs. If you have any queries or need to speak to any of us please either catch us at the end of the day or let the office know.
Mr Searle, Mrs Roberts & Mrs Zarti
Shakespeare Project - Thursday 17th November
We are getting very excited about our upcoming visit to Norden Farm Centre for the Arts to take part in the 'Shakespeare As You Like It' Project. A letter has now gone out to all parents regarding arrangements for the day and we would ask that you ensure that all children are in school for 8:00am on Thursday so that we can leave promptly for the theatre. As detailed in the letter, children will also need a packed lunch.
Your Teachers and Teaching Assistants:
Welcome to Year 5. This year your teachers will be Mr Searle and Mrs Roberts and Mrs Zarti will be our teaching assistant. We are all looking forward to teaching you this year (and having some fun into the bargain!).
Weekly Timetable
This year your main P.E. days will continue to be on Tuesdays and Wednesdays so please come into school in your P.E. kits on those days. On Tuesdays Mrs Higgins will teaching the P.E. and Mr Searle will be teaching it on Wednesdays. In addition to this, we have the opportunity to have extra PE in half-class groups on a Monday morning this term, so would ask that children come in wearing P.E. kits on Mondays too. During the year, we will be covering: Swimming, Tag Rugby, Football, Netball, Tennis, Cricket, Athletics, Dance, Circuit Training, Gymnastics and Outdoor and Adventurous Activities (OAA).
We have now completed our swimming slot for the year, but it was a great success and all the children made really good progress across these lessons.
Topic Map Spring 23 - May the Force Be With You
Supporting your child's learning at home:
We recommend that children should be reading at home daily and, where possible, read with and/or to an adult as often as possible. In addition to supporting word reading and comprehension of the books being read, please encourage the enjoyment, pleasure and love of reading that books bring. To help support when choosing a book, please find enclosed a copy of recommended reads for Year 5 .