Nightingales - Year 3
Welcome to Nightingale Class - September 2021!
Monday 13th September Roald Dahl Day for year 3
w/c Tuesday 8th June 2021
We are very much looking forward to this final term of Year 3 with the Nightingales and the curriculum is packed. In History, the children will be learning about the Ancient Egyptians and we will tie this into some of their English work too. Meanwhile in Science, the focus shifts to 'Plants' - there will be lots of growing going on in Nightingale Class this term. The children will be continuing with their creative work in both Music and Art, and Mrs Ryker will be building on all the foundation work she's done with them in French this year. Alongside this we will continue to work daily on Reading, Writing, Spellings and Maths and would ask you to do all you can to keep this up at home too where you can. Use the information detailed in the icons below to support you with this.
The children will be continuing Forest School with Mrs Summers and P.E. with Mrs Higgins on Mondays and Tuesdays respectively so will need to come into school in their P.E. kit on these days. With the warmer weather, we would recommend that children have sun cream applied at home prior to coming in each day and that they bring a cap or hat into school to wear at break and lunchtimes. It is also worth ensuring that they always have a light raincoat with them as we know what the English weather can be like!
As always, please do not hesitate to contact us via the office should you need to speak to any of us.
Mrs Ryker, Miss Dineen & Mrs Roberts
w/c 26.4.21 - Welcome back to the Summer Term
We are very much looking forward to all of the learning and activities that we will be doing this term. Please find below our timetable for Summer 1 (although as always this is subject to change). Please note in particular that our P.E. day has changed from Friday afternoon to TUESDAY morning - we are delighted that Mrs Higgins, our specialist P.E. teacher, will be delivering these lessons. Forest School will now be on a MONDAY afternoon. As a result of this, children will need to come to school dressed in suitable P.E. kit on both Mondays and Tuesdays.
Homework will be posted under the Summer 1 icon and there are additional resources in icons further down the page. As always, please do not hesitate to contact us via the office if you need to.
Mrs Ryker, Miss Dineen & Mrs Roberts
Creating palms to celebrate Palm Sunday
Timetable Overview for Spring 2
Welcome back to all the wonderful children of Nightingale Class
on Monday 8th March!
Hello all
We hope you are all well and we are so looking forward to seeing you all back in school on Monday!
To help you to organise yourselves for coming back into school after such a long time, we have put together a list of things that you will please need to bring in on Monday:
- Your pencil case containing: pencils, a glue stick (really important!), a ruler and rubber. If you have your own coloured pencils and scissors too, that is great!
- Your copy of 'Journey to the Centre of the Earth' - please bring these in as you will need them in class for Monday's Focused Reading lesson!
- Your whiteboards and whiteboard pens.
- Your Memory Box that you have created, if you would like to share it with the class.
- Please do not bring in your Blue and Green exercise books, as we have already seen and marked all of your Assignments online. Kindly keep these at home in the event that they are needed again.
- Please do not bring in your P.E. kit, as you will need to come into school wearing your P.E. kit on Tuesdays (For Forest School) and Fridays (for P.E.)
Thank you so much and we'll see you on Monday!
Mrs Ryker, Mrs Roberts and Miss Dineen
Overview of a week of Remote Learning. (This is subject to change.)
Your lovely Tudor Rose inspired work
The beautiful dragon eye pictures you have created - updated!
Screen Free Wednesday Activity Grid
Your Stunning Sky Turtle Artwork, inspired by the short film 'Once in a Lifetime'!
Hi Nightingales!
Thank you so much for all your brilliant Sky Turtle Artwork.
I so enjoyed looking at them! As promised, I have created a video of your stunning work - please see below. You may recognise the music playing over the video!
Mrs Ryker
Remote Learning - Dragon Pictures
Letter from Nightingale teachers
The Twelve Days of Cheapside by Nightingale Class
Nightingale Class Timetable - Autumn 2
Autumn - Topic Overview
Musical Instruments for an Early Briton - Nightingale-style!
Rangoli Patterns
Hello Nightingales and families!
We hope you're having a wonderful half-term so far. Let's hope it doesn't rain every day!
This half-term, the children have been really enjoying learning about Divali, the Festival of Lights and how it is celebrated by the Hindu Community. As part of this, the children learned all about Rangoli patterns. These are colourful designs created on the floor, often on the doorstep of a home. They are often created during Divali, to welcome in Lakshmi, the Goddess of Wealth and to bring strength, generosity and good luck. These patterns can be created from coloured sand, rice, flower petals or quartz powder. Flowers and nature are often represented. Here is a slideshow of the work of Nightingale Class and their interpretations of Rangoli Patterns, crafted in coloured chalk. They adorned our playground until the rain washed them away! Don't they look stunning?
National Poetry Day - Thursday 1st October
We were absolutely delighted with the efforts the children put into the poems they shared today. They were confident and clear as they stood at the front of the class and read (some of them off-by-heart) their poems to their peers. We had a lovely variety of genres from riddles and nursery rhymes to comedy and classics. Well done, Nightingales!
Meet the Teacher
Welcome to Nightingale Class 2020
We have so enjoyed welcoming the children back to school - they have settled in really well and are already producing lots of lovely work.
Just a few reminders:
- Forest School is on Tuesdays
- P.E. is on Fridays
- Water bottle, packed lunch (if having one) and reading books should be in school every day
- No rucksacks in schools please; children should bring in their things in a plastic bag or wallet
- There is no school fruit provided for children at break times in Key Stage 2 so please do provide your child with a fruit snack (NO NUTS)
On Forest School and PE days, children should come to school dressed for these activities.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us via the school office.
Mrs Ryker, Miss Dineen and Mrs Roberts