Monday 24.1.22
I do hope that you are feeling well and if you are, I will provide activities for Maths and English on most days as appropriate. However, please note that this may not always be the case, due to other activities taking place during the week.
I will also provide Assemblies and some other curriculum activities and, as far as possible, I will try the mirror the activities that we are doing in class. Again, this may not always be possible, particularly when afternoons include PE etc. Activities will be added as appropriate throughout the week.
If you are feeling quite well during your isolation period, I do strongly advise at least working through the Maths, English, Science and Geography, so that you do not fall behind too much and are on track once you return to school.
I also suggest spending time learning the spellings I have provided and also going onto Times Tables Rock Stars to have fun practising your times tables.
Take care and I look forward to seeing you back in school very soon!
Mrs Ryker