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Cheapside CE

Primary School

'Achieving Our Best, In Thought, In Word, In Deed'

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Read through the presentation. It covers the main points on how to write a script and how to turn a narrative into a playscript. It also explains stage directions and the use of special effects (e.g. lighting).


Now go through your highlighted text from yesterday and begin to follow the presentation as a guide:


  • Start with the title
  • Then create a cast of characters - giving a brief description of each of them
  • Now name and describe the scene
  • Give Stage directions if needed (in brackets)
  • Start with the first speakers name (with a colon:)
  • Add any stage directions to how you want the character to speak or act (in brackets)
  • Now add the first bit of dialogue (without inverted commas)


Continue this process on, using the checklist and knowledge organiser to help make sure you have included everything you need to.
